Upcoming meetings
The next Peace Education Network Meeting will be 7 November, 10:00 – 13:30
The Peace Education Network meets regularly to exchange ideas and practice. Meetings usually include a "skillshare" workshop to learn from others' expertise, and a business meeting for join projects, discussion. The skillshare is suitable for educators either in the formal education sector or working through third-sector organisations.
Upcoming dates
Autumn PEN | Thurs 7 Nov 2024 (online 10-13:30)
Next meeting information
At the Autumn PEN Meeting, we will be on the theme Exhibitions for Peace
Skill-share 1: The amazing story of the 1923 Women’s Peace Petition with Welsh Centre for International Affairs
Skill-share 2: Using art and objects for peace education, Alexis Stones, Subject Lead for the PGCE RE at UCL Institute of Education
Email peaceedu@quaker.org.uk for more information.